Kybella/ Lipo Dissolve

Kybella/Lipo Dissolve In Memphis, TN

Kybella is an injectable treatment that permanently destroys fat cells without having surgery. It’s the only FDA-approved injectable that permanently diminishes fat cells beneath the chin’s targeted area to improve your facial structure. This solution is formulated with deoxycholic acid, a natural molecule that aids with decomposing and absorbing fat. The Kybella is injected into areas with submental fat, which treats the accumulated cells, causing a tightened appearance. Kybella is commonly used to reduce fat beneath the chin. But off-label Kybella can be used for other areas such as the chin, abdomen, back, and thighs.

The pros of this treatment include:

  • Practical – 80% of patients that get this injectable get an enhanced appearance
  • Minimally invasive – no anesthesia is necessary.
  • Quick results – sessions can be performed during your lunch hour. Convenient, right?
  • Long-lasting results – treatment diminishes fat cells that cause double chins, giving you permanent results.
  • Minimal downtime – resume your regular routines within a few days.

What is Lipodissolve?

Lipodissolve is a non-surgical procedure used to reduce fat and improve cellulite. The treatment consists of using injectables that contain a safe compound that treats the fat and renews your body shape to give it a toned appearance. The ingredients (phosphatidylcholine-lecithin, alpha-lipoic acid, and plant extracts) used in the solution dissolve the fat, lift the muscles and tighten the skin. All enzymes are safe and don’t cause allergic reactions. Lipodissolve is a body sculpting treatment that treats tiny areas of fat such as the chin, face, neck, arms, chest, back, waist, hips, buttocks, and thighs.

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